使用 Akka & Scala 实现分布式、高并发的年会抽奖系统

本文介绍了使用 Akka 和 Scala 实现的一个分布式投票程序。这个程序 Demo 是因为偶然在知乎看到 360 前端某程序员写的一个小的用 JavaScript 实现的抽奖程序,觉得挺好玩,因此自己也照葫芦画瓢实现了一个后端风格的抽奖程序。因为最近刚学过 Scala,正在学 Akka,因此拿来练练手。


这篇使用 JS 实现的抽奖程序在这里:嘿!这真的是一个正经的抽奖程序!



这是人家的源代码,大概 152 行,我使用的 Scala 和 Akka 大概也是 150 行左右。

function random(m, n) {
  return m + Math.floor(Math.random() * n);

function randomItem(arr, from = 0, to = arr.length) {
  const index = random(from, to);
  return {
    value: arr[index],

function shuffle(arr) {
  for(let i = arr.length; i > 0; i--) {
    const {index} = randomItem(arr, 0, i);
    [arr[index], arr[i - 1]] = [arr[i - 1], arr[index]];
  return arr;

const prizeStorageKey = 'prize10';
function getResults() {
  const result = localStorage.getItem(prizeStorageKey);
  return result ? result.split(',') : [];
function addResults(players) {
  const result = getResults();
  localStorage.setItem(prizeStorageKey, result.join());
function filterWinner(members) {
  const winners = new Set(getResults());
  return members.filter(m => !winners.has(m));

let members = ['胖虎', '强夫', '静香', '大雄', '哆啦A梦', '吕布', '张飞', '关羽', '刘备', '曹操', '孙权', '周瑜',
  '黄盖', '赵云', '吕蒙', '孙悟空', '猪八戒', '唐僧', '沙悟净', '光头强', '熊大', '熊二',
  '喜洋洋', '美羊羊', '红太狼', '灰太狼',

members = filterWinner(members);

const startBtn = document.getElementById('start');
const clearBtn = document.getElementById('clear');

startBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
  startBtn.disabled = 'disabled';
  clearBtn.disabled = 'disabled';

  // 重新洗牌

  // 取出最后6名同学,倒数3名中奖,剩下3名凑数
  const candidates = members.slice(-6).reverse();

  // 将中奖结果保存到localStorage中
  addResults(candidates.slice(0, 3));
  members.length -= 3;

  // 开始跑马程序
  await race(candidates);

  startBtn.disabled = '';
  clearBtn.disabled = '';

clearBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
  // 清除所有中奖记录

const trackLen = 820; // 205 * 4

const trackEl = document.getElementById('track');

function partRace(durations, factor) {
  // 根据赛程总时间 duration 和 factor 来划分赛程
  // 赛程所用基准时间为 duration * factor,扰动 -0.1 ~ +0.1
  const subDuration = durations.map(d => d * factor * random(9, 11) / 10);
  subDuration.map((d, i) => {
    durations[i] -= d;
    return durations[i];
  return subDuration;

function race(candidates) {
  const durations = [];
  for(let i = 0, duration = 0.9; i < candidates.length; i++) {
    // 每一名次随机增加 0.02 ~ 0.05 的时间
    duration += random(2, 5) * 0.01;

  const players = shuffle([...candidates.entries()]);

  trackEl.innerHTML = players.map((p, i) => {
    return `<div>
      <span class="horse">${randomItem(['🐎', '🐖', '🐄', '🦔']).value}</span>
      <span class="player">${p[1]} ${i + 1}</span>

  // 划分4段赛程
  const round1 = partRace(durations, 0.25);
  const round2 = partRace(durations, 0.33);
  const round3 = partRace(durations, 0.5);
  const round4 = durations.map(d => d + 0.1);

  const results = ['🥇', '🥈', '🥉', '😩', '😫', '😭'];

  const T = 8000;

  const horses = document.querySelectorAll('.horse');
  const promises = [];

  for(let i = 0; i < horses.length; i++) {
    const horse = horses[i];
    const idx = players[i][0];

    promises.push(raceHorse(horse, round1[idx] * T)
      .then(() => {
        return raceHorse(horse, round2[idx] * T, 30 + trackLen / 4);
      .then(() => {
        return raceHorse(horse, round3[idx] * T, 30 + 2 * trackLen / 4);
      .then(() => {
        return raceHorse(horse, round4[idx] * T, 30 + 3 * trackLen / 4);
      .then(() => {
        horse.innerHTML = `<span>${results[idx]}</span>${horse.innerHTML}`;
        return raceHorse(horse, 0.1 * T, 30 + trackLen, 100);

  return Promise.all(promises);

function raceHorse(horseEl, duration, from = 30, by = trackLen / 4) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    const startTime = Date.now();
    requestAnimationFrame(function f() {
      let p = (Date.now() - startTime) / duration;
      p = Math.min(p, 1.0);
      horseEl.style.left = `${from + p * by}px`;
      if(p < 1.0) requestAnimationFrame(f);
      else resolve();



这个系统是按照投票系统来设计的,因为是随机投票,因此也可以用来抽奖。以下是 Akka 的设计模型,其中包括了发票者 ListActor、投票者 VoteActor、统计者 CountActor、念票者 BoardCastActor。

Akka 的消息分为字符串类型的常量命令(用圆圈包裹),以及选举、选票、结果三大消息对象。

  • 发票者 ListActor 定义的消息有
    • START:开始新投票
    • NAME:命名此投票
    • CLEAR 清空当前投票
    • VoteTime 一次选举
  • 投票者 VoteActor 定义的消息有
    • DO VOTE:准备拿票
    • VOTE:去拿票
    • VoteVoice 一张选票
  • 统计者 CountActor 定义的消息有
    • VoteResult 当前接受到的选票
  • 唱票者 BoardCastActor 没有定义消息



红色是发票者 ListActor 的流程,其接受 START 命令开始,接着向统计者提供当前的选举证明,统计者启动一个定时器,然后只接受在定时器作用内的选票。

蓝色是投票者 VoteActor 的流程,其接受 DO VOTE 命令准备投票,之后启动 VOTE 消息,发送给 发票者请求空白选票,之后发票者提供 VoteTime 选举对象,之后随即选择一个被投票者,将其封装到 VoteVoice 中,填好选票,发送给统计者。

统计者收到来自投票人 VoteActor 的选票后,检查其是否属于当此选举,如果属于,且时间合适,则添加到数据池中,由 BoardCastActor 唱票者打印出当前的统计信息。


import java.util.UUID
import CountActor.VoteResult
import ListActor.VoteTime
import VoteActor.VoteVoice
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, ActorSelection, ActorSystem, Props}
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Random

class ListActor(counterUrl:String) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  import Conf._
  var name: String = DEFAULT_NAME
  var vote:VoteTime = _
  var counterActor:ActorSelection = _
  override def preStart(): Unit = counterActor = context.actorSelection(counterUrl)
  override def receive: Receive = {
    case msg:String if msg.toLowerCase.startsWith(NAME_ORDER) => name = msg.replace(NAME_ORDER,"").trim
    case msg:String if msg.toLowerCase.startsWith(START_ORDER) =>
      val list = msg.replace(START_ORDER,"")
        .split(" ").map(_.trim).filter(!_.isEmpty).map(people => (people.hashCode, people)).toList
      vote = VoteTime(UUID.randomUUID(), name, list = list)
      log.info("Create A new VoteTime, sending to CounterActor now...")
      counterActor ! vote
    case msg:String if msg.toLowerCase.startsWith(CLEAR_ORDER) =>
      name = DEFAULT_NAME; vote = null
    case msg:String if msg.toLowerCase.startsWith(VOTE_ORDER) =>
      log.info("Send Vote Information to " + sender())
      sender() ! vote
    case _ =>
object ListActor {
  case class Second(second:Int)
  implicit class IntWithSecond(int:Int) { def seconds = Second(int) }
  case class VoteTime(uuid:UUID, name:String, voteUntil:Second = 100 seconds, list: List[(Int,String)])

class VoteActor(countUrl:String, listUrl:String) extends Actor {
  import Conf._
  var myVote:VoteVoice = _
  var countActor:ActorSelection = _
  var listActor:ActorSelection = _
  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    countActor = context.actorSelection(countUrl)
    listActor = context.actorSelection(listUrl)
  override def receive: Receive = {
    case TO_VOTE_ORDER => listActor ! VOTE_ORDER
    case time: VoteTime if time.list.nonEmpty =>
      import context.dispatcher
      import scala.concurrent.duration._
      val durationTime = Random.nextInt(time.voteUntil.second)
      val message = VoteVoice(time.uuid, time.name, time.list(Random.nextInt(time.list.length))._1)
      context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(Random.nextInt(durationTime + 1) seconds, () => countActor ! message)
object VoteActor {
  case class VoteVoice(uuid: UUID, name:String, vote:Int)

class CountActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  var list:VoteResult = _
  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = log.info("Counter Actor Start now...")
  override def receive: Receive = {
    case voteTime: VoteTime =>
      log.info("Receive Vote Request, clean List, and Ready for VoteVoice Now")
      list = VoteResult(voteTime.uuid, voteTime.name, voteTime.list, voteTime.list.map(people => (0, people._1, people._2)).toBuffer)
      import context.dispatcher
      import scala.concurrent.duration._
      context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce((voteTime.voteUntil.second + Conf.NET_LAG) seconds, () => {
        log.info("Stop Receive Vote, It is end now...")
        list = null
    case VoteVoice(uuid, _, vote) => list match {
      case null =>
      case _ if list.uuid == uuid =>
        //log.info("Receive A new Vote +++++++++++++++")
        val people = list.result.filter(_._2 == vote).toList.head
        list.result -= people
        list.result += ((people._1 + 1, people._2, people._3))
        //log.info(s"Total Size now is ${list.result.map(_._1).sum}")
        context.actorOf(Props[BoardCastActor]) ! list
object CountActor {
  case class VoteResult(uuid:UUID, name:String, list: List[(Int,String)], result:mutable.Buffer[(Int,Int,String)])

class BoardCastActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  override def receive: Receive = {
    case list: VoteResult =>
      val size = list.result.map(_._1).sum
      size % Conf.EACH_COLLECT match {
        case 0 =>
          log.info(s"Current Result is: ")
          val sortedList = list.result.sortBy(_._1).reverse
          log.info("\n" + sortedList.mkString("\n"))
          log.info(s"Total Size now is $size")
        case _ =>
    case _ =>

object Conf {
  val DEFAULT_NAME = "Game"
  val START_ORDER = "start"
  val NAME_ORDER = "name"
  val CLEAR_ORDER = "clear"
  val VOTE_ORDER = "vote"
  val TO_VOTE_ORDER = "toVote"
  val NET_LAG = 50
  val EACH_COLLECT = 1
  val (counterSystemName, counterName, counterHost,counterPort) = ("CounterSystem","Counter","",2333)
  val (listSystemName, listName, listHost,listPort) = ("ListSystem","Lister","",2334)
  val (voteSystemName, voteName, voterHost,voterPort) = ("VoterSystem","Voter","",2335)
  val counterUrl = s"akka.tcp://$counterSystemName@$counterHost:$counterPort/user/$counterName"
  val listUrl = s"akka.tcp://$listSystemName@$listHost:$listPort/user/$listName"
  def getConfig(host:String,port:Int): Config = {
object CounterSystem extends App {
  val father = ActorSystem(Conf.counterSystemName, Conf.getConfig(Conf.counterHost, Conf.counterPort))
object ListSystem extends App {
  val mother = ActorSystem(Conf.listSystemName, Conf.getConfig(Conf.listHost, Conf.listPort))
  private val lister = mother.actorOf(Props(new ListActor(Conf.counterUrl)),Conf.listName)
  lister ! Conf.CLEAR_ORDER
  lister ! s"${Conf.NAME_ORDER} 最佳员工评选"
  lister ! s"${Conf.START_ORDER} 张三 李四 王五 马六 刘七 孙八 王九"
object VoterSystem extends App {
  val god = ActorSystem(Conf.voteSystemName, Conf.getConfig(Conf.voterHost, Conf.voterPort))
  val buffer = mutable.ArrayBuffer[ActorRef]()
  1.to(5).foreach(index => {
    val ref = god.actorOf(Props(new VoteActor(Conf.counterUrl, Conf.listUrl)),s"${Conf.voteName}-$index")
buffer += ref
buffer.foreach(ref => ref ! Conf.TO_VOTE_ORDER)


//VoteActor 准备获取选票
[INFO] [02/10/2019 16:42:44.295] [main] [akka.remote.Remoting] Remoting now listens on addresses: [akka.tcp://VoterSystem@]
//ListActor 选票派发 500000 人完毕(耗时 1 分钟)
[INFO] [02/10/2019 16:43:46.753] [ListSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-13] [akka.tcp://ListSystem@] Send Vote Information to Actor[akka.tcp://VoterSystem@]
//CountActor 开始接收选票
[akka.tcp://CounterSystem@] Receive Vote Request, clean List, and Ready for VoteVoice Now
//CountActor 结束选票完毕
[INFO] [02/10/2019 16:47:31.646] [CounterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-18] [akka.tcp://CounterSystem@$Fe6b] 
[INFO] [02/10/2019 16:47:31.646] [CounterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-18] [akka.tcp://CounterSystem@$Fe6b] Total Size now is 500000

CPU 占用 290%(4核心4线程):

cm_image 2019-02-10 16.33.25

内存占用 4GB(8GB DDR4 2666):

cm_image 2019-02-10 16.33.35

完成 500000 人选票收集,每隔 100 人唱票一次,所有选票在前 100 s内随机投出,投出后 JVM 有 500s 的时间收集数据,结果耗时约 4min —— 240s 完成了所有线程的数据收集工作(线程数采用 Akka 默认的线程设置)。

总的而言,这是一次很无聊的摸鱼,温习了下 Akka 相关知识,发现 Akka 系统的设计感很重,一定要先做好设计工作,再写代码,否则,消息传着传着就不知道传给谁了。此外,这 130 多行代码的 Scala 实现的分布式投票系统 Demo,相比较 JavaScript 130 多行代码,难度要大很多,因为用了大量的中间件系统(Akka、Netty、Socket),人家 JS 实现的,直接调用了 JS 和 CSS 的原生动画,封装较少,虽然没什么可比性,但是,分布式和微服务真的很灵活,对于发票者、统计者,可以分别部署在不同的 Linux 机器上,而投票者,可以直接部署在大量的 Http 服务器上,使用 Spring Boot 异步提供 Http 支持,其调用投票者 Actor 通过 Akka.tcp 通信。